Billie Bust Up Wiki
Billie Bust Up Wiki

Please, If you notice any files not following these Policies move the file to the proper name. (you can help more by also replacing the newly created file redirects with the new name)

This page will show how to properly name files when uploading. This will not only get rid of clutter but also make it much easier to search through files.

File Formats

if the Files are Uploaded in any other Format other than their respective format, then they will either get deleted or not be used on any page.


All Images should be in .png Format.


All Audio should be in .mp3 Format.

Character Images
Image Type Label Example Alt Example
Character Artwork Character.png Fantoccio.png
Characters In-Game Character 3d.png Fantoccio 3d.png
Character Doing Action Character Showering.png Aristotle Showering.png
Multiple Characters Character_&_Character_Action.png Z_&_Arthur Z_&_Arthur_Fighting
Multiple Characters Alt Character_Action_Character.png Z_Trapping_Arthur.png
Boss Fights Boss_Fight.png Fantoccio_Boss_Fight.png Fantoccio_Boss_Fight2.png
Location Images
Image Type Label Example Alt Example
Building Image Building.png Fantoccio's_Theatre.png Fantoccio's_Theatre2.png
Room Image Room.png Fantoccio's_Theatre.png Fantoccio's_Theatre_Room2.png